The Dull Women’s Club

Dear Avery, A few weeks ago, Facebook’s algorithm introduced to me a group called “The Dull Women’s Club“. Me, at the beautiful age of 37, with an adventurous husband and two toddlers running around, my life is anything but “dull”. I had to laugh at this. What were you thinking Facebook robots? Well, maybe thoseContinue reading “The Dull Women’s Club”

What to Expect in High School

By Megan Cynaumon Dear Avery, High school is such a pivotal and crazy time of life. You’ll experience the highs of young love, and the lows of fights with friends. You’ll be pressured by friends, family and yourself in all different ways. Man, do you have a FUN and WILD ride ahead of you, kid!Continue reading “What to Expect in High School”