The Dull Women’s Club

Dear Avery, A few weeks ago, Facebook’s algorithm introduced to me a group called “The Dull Women’s Club“. Me, at the beautiful age of 37, with an adventurous husband and two toddlers running around, my life is anything but “dull”. I had to laugh at this. What were you thinking Facebook robots? Well, maybe thoseContinue reading “The Dull Women’s Club”

Lent: No Facebook for 40 days

by Megan Cynaumon Dear Avery, Happy Easter!! Every year, I give something up for Lent. For me, it’s a time of reflection. It’s a time of letting something go and showing yourself that God is truly the center of your life. This year, I gave up Facebook. Funny to think that it’s a “sacrifice”, butContinue reading “Lent: No Facebook for 40 days”