Stopping Racism. It starts with me. And then my home.

Dear Avery, I have a white male son who is about to make his entrance into 2020 — and what a YEAR this has been already. On top of a global pandemic, the United States has been exposing its polarizing political and economic viewpoints while also shining a spotlight on societal issues that many ofContinue reading “Stopping Racism. It starts with me. And then my home.”

The Bee

Dear Avery, I had a “me” day, today. Woke up and read a new book in bed. After that, I stumbled into a new coffee shop. A group of older gentlemen in their 90’s sat around in a circle, laughing out loud and SINGING with each other, and more laughter ensued. This was definitely theContinue reading “The Bee”

My motto for 2018: All is Well.

Dear Avery, The very last day of 2017, I was hit with a major panic attack. It was as-if the weight of the year for me had waited to show its full strength in the form of taking over my body. It started with a shortness of breath, tightening of my chest, losing feeling inContinue reading “My motto for 2018: All is Well.”

2017: Find your Balance

Dear Avery, 2017 was painful, disheartening, sad, and down right the hardest year of my life. But it was also beautiful, full of love, and it’s when I began focusing on being present. B a l a n c e. When the flamingo started following me this summer (the “flamingo” post), I recently came acrossContinue reading “2017: Find your Balance”

When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention

Dear Avery, When I started seeing a therapist over a year ago (which I highly recommend for anyone), I told her of my experience with infertility and how it broke me. She listened for a few sessions, and then introduced the topic of “Grief”. “Do you think perhaps you are going through stages of griefContinue reading “When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention”