The Dull Women’s Club

Dear Avery,

A few weeks ago, Facebook’s algorithm introduced to me a group called “The Dull Women’s Club“. Me, at the beautiful age of 37, with an adventurous husband and two toddlers running around, my life is anything but “dull”. I had to laugh at this. What were you thinking Facebook robots?

Well, maybe those robots were on to something… These women share posts of their dull and simple lives. They include things like shoe size, likes and dislikes, and whatever random thing comes to mind. Some are funny stories. Some are sad. Most are dull. And it is surprisingly refreshing. I began to see a bit of myself in a lot of these women.

So I thought I’d join in on the dullness because it’s actually truer the older I get.

  • Size 8 shoe — sometimes a 8.5 — wild I know
  • Working out as been apart of my routine since high school; but it’s rarely scheduled or forced — when I have the time; I take it. And enjoy the brisk light sweat.
  • Podcasts have become my church. Since I don’t attend church anymore, I do seek out positive self awareness and open form thinking from progressive speakers. I do believe in a higher power of love and light, but I don’t believe much in the people who run the organized religions. I’ve found that a great uplifting podcast can equate to a thought-provoking pastor’s sermon (who may very well have great intentions), but the podcast never leaves me with shame or guilt like some churches do. So for now, podcast = church
  • My taste in sports is evolving. I enjoy golf now; never thought I’d see the day since i’m an elbow-throwing basketball player at heart.
  • Bread makes up a vast majority of my diet
  • I try and pay a bill the second I see it. I literally drop everything. I’m frugal and have a fear of late fees.
  • My husband and I have watched 46 seasons of Survivor together. I may actually enjoy our commentary about the show more than the show itself.
  • I play Wordle every day and average 4 guesses (i’m pretty proud of that)

In my twenties, I used to spend weekends in Vegas and not go to bed before 11pm. Now the idea of a weekend in Vegas makes me tired just thinking about it — and getting in bed by 8:30pm is a dream. Dullness? Maybe. I like to think of it as enjoying the smaller and quieter things more often. Or maybe its a rite of passage as we age? We want to appreciate the slowness a bit more. Maybe we don’t need the loud crowds of people every weekend.

There are 450k people in this group, and I imagine it’s only going to keep growing. Dullards, as they call themselves, are more aware of what they want in life than most people are willing to be being honest about. It’s been fascinating to observe, and even more fascinating how much I can relate.

Keep marching on, Dullards. There may be quiet beauty in the dull.

With love,

Aunt Megs

Published by withloveauntmegs

Being an Aunt is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

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