2018: 12 months of Gratitude

  Dear Avery, I’ve read/listened to MANY self-care books/articles/blogs/podcasts around this idea of writing down the things you are grateful for. So last year at this time, I put a daily alarm on my phone. 4pm every day = 3 things you are grateful for. Did I do it every day? Nope. But I was ableContinue reading “2018: 12 months of Gratitude”

My current obsession… PODCASTS

Dear Avery, Last year I woke up early in my childhood room, well knowing that our family isn’t an early morning family, so I decided to listen to a podcast people had recommended to me. It was called “Serial”, by This American Life. A true story murder mystery that still leaves everyone wondering who didContinue reading “My current obsession… PODCASTS”


Dear Avery, Wanderlust; a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. I’ll add feeling alive in a new location and experience to that definition. It’s one of my favorite words, and definitely the word of 2015 for me — compare that to my favorite words of 2013! Here I am… “Wanderlusting” in Mexico.  Continue reading “Wanderlusting”

Baseball Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Dear Avery, Last month, I got to check a HUGE event off my bucket list: Watching the San Francisco Giants play in the World Series. This came as a surprise 5 year wedding anniversary/birthday gift from your Uncle Matt (the Dodger fan – you will one day understand the importance and thoughtfulness of him buyingContinue reading “Baseball Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend”

Oh, the places you’ll go! First stop: preschool.

Dear Avery, Today you started your first day of preschool! You are no longer a baby, but a tiny person. It is so incredible how fast time goes. There is no doubt in my mind that you will LOVE school. Not only do you make friends easily, but you are already such a smart kid.Continue reading “Oh, the places you’ll go! First stop: preschool.”