Grief: from the perspective of a widower’s partner

Dear Avery, Grief is not an area I expected to deal with at this stage of my life. The death of a person or the death of an idea for your life (from the words of my therapist) seemed years away until it came in various forms. If you had told me at 25 yearsContinue reading “Grief: from the perspective of a widower’s partner”

Writing A Good Story For 2015

Dear Avery, Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book…and I intend to write a meaningful one. It’s a new day, and a new year. It’s funny because the first day of a new year usually feels like any other day… except for this feeling of being renewed. I am a firm believerContinue reading “Writing A Good Story For 2015”

Loving him is fun

Dear Avery, 4 years ago today, I was a 22-year-old walking down a beautiful aisle in the church I grew up in, holding your Papa’s arm.  I was walking towards my future husband and excepted his hand in marriage that day. It was easily the best decision I’ve ever made. Your Uncle Matt is: theContinue reading “Loving him is fun”

Take advice from “The Bachelorette” : Marry up.

Dear Avery, I’m really hoping the reality show “The Bachelor/The Bachelorette” is still around when you are old enough to watch. I’m kidding… well… OK, kind of. It’s an awfully cheesy yet fabulously addicting 2 hour television event (yes, I’m sure you’ve established by now that your Aunt Megs watches a lot of TV). AnyContinue reading “Take advice from “The Bachelorette” : Marry up.”