Hooray, you made the volleyball team!

Dear Avery, You are almost 12 now and just got a new phone. I can’t believe it. Texting with you has become a shock of “wow, she isn’t a kid anymore” and “wow, this is so cool that we can have these quick chats.” The first texts we shared were about you trying out forContinue reading “Hooray, you made the volleyball team!”

36 trips around the sun

Dear Avery, Yesterday was my 36th birthday. While the plan was to see you, your sister, and your parents for the weekend, sickness got the better of your sister, and sadly we couldn’t hang out. I pivoted last minute and scheduled some much-needed “me” time: a massage and facial to start the birthday off right.Continue reading “36 trips around the sun”

Waiting for my daughter

Dear Harper Breese, I’ve been in “active labor” for over 5 days now with you, but you seem to be too cozy in my belly at the moment. I’ve felt your strong kicks and movements for months now, and I can’t help but believe this just means you will be a strong-willed and powerful forceContinue reading “Waiting for my daughter”

2018: 12 months of Gratitude

  Dear Avery, I’ve read/listened to MANY self-care books/articles/blogs/podcasts around this idea of writing down the things you are grateful for. So last year at this time, I put a daily alarm on my phone. 4pm every day = 3 things you are grateful for. Did I do it every day? Nope. But I was ableContinue reading “2018: 12 months of Gratitude”


Dear Avery, Wanderlust; a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. I’ll add feeling alive in a new location and experience to that definition. It’s one of my favorite words, and definitely the word of 2015 for me — compare that to my favorite words of 2013! Here I am… “Wanderlusting” in Mexico.  Continue reading “Wanderlusting”