8 years of waiting to meet you, little one

Dear little one, This letter is 8 years in the making. 8 years of yearning to become a mother. The magical time has come, and I get say “I’m pregnant”. Something I’ve been longing to say out loud. And now the time is here. You are currently the size of an avocado and doing back-flipsContinue reading “8 years of waiting to meet you, little one”

When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention

Dear Avery, When I started seeing a therapist over a year ago (which I highly recommend for anyone), I told her of my experience with infertility and how it broke me. She listened for a few sessions, and then introduced the topic of “Grief”. “Do you think perhaps you are going through stages of griefContinue reading “When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention”

Infertility: the Not-So-Funny, the Bad, and the Ugly

Dear Avery, Infertility is something you never think you will go through. My Mom had 4 kids. I’m surrounded by large number of children on both sides of our families, surely that means it will be easy for me? Right? Yeah, not so much. Infertility is like watching a bus full of your best friendsContinue reading “Infertility: the Not-So-Funny, the Bad, and the Ugly”