The Bee

Dear Avery, I had a “me” day, today. Woke up and read a new book in bed. After that, I stumbled into a new coffee shop. A group of older gentlemen in their 90’s sat around in a circle, laughing out loud and SINGING with each other, and more laughter ensued. This was definitely theContinue reading “The Bee”

My motto for 2018: All is Well.

Dear Avery, The very last day of 2017, I was hit with a major panic attack. It was as-if the weight of the year for me had waited to show its full strength in the form of taking over my body. It started with a shortness of breath, tightening of my chest, losing feeling inContinue reading “My motto for 2018: All is Well.”

When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention

Dear Avery, When I started seeing a therapist over a year ago (which I highly recommend for anyone), I told her of my experience with infertility and how it broke me. She listened for a few sessions, and then introduced the topic of “Grief”. “Do you think perhaps you are going through stages of griefContinue reading “When grief slaps you in the face, and tells you to pay attention”

The Flamingo that followed me

Dear Avery, Did you know that the flamingo is a pretty bad ass animal? It’s more than the pink tropical bird most people associate it with. It’s much more. Did you know it can drink boiling hot water, but can also live in below freezing conditions? Stick that bird anywhere, and it will survive. SeeContinue reading “The Flamingo that followed me”

Our newest leading lady, Miss Bayley!

Dear Bayley, It’s Oscar Sunday, and today you decided to make your grand entrance into the world. You’ve joined a family of movie lovers, so I’d say it’s the perfect day to be born. The other leading lady in our lives is your big sister, Avery (almost 6yrs old now). When your Mom called herContinue reading “Our newest leading lady, Miss Bayley!”