The Flamingo that followed me

Dear Avery, Did you know that the flamingo is a pretty bad ass animal? It’s more than the pink tropical bird most people associate it with. It’s much more. Did you know it can drink boiling hot water, but can also live in below freezing conditions? Stick that bird anywhere, and it will survive. SeeContinue reading “The Flamingo that followed me”

Life lessons from … Richard Sherman

Dear Avery, I’m a 49ers fan. Your parents and grandparents (aunts, uncles, and friends from the Bay) are 49ers fans. This year in football, the 49ers were ONE game away from the Superbowl…only to lose to a very physical Seattle Seahawks team. It was an incredible game, down to the very last play. That playContinue reading “Life lessons from … Richard Sherman”

Swimming pools and scars

By Megan Cynaumon Dear Avery, This past week there was a horrific school shooting. All shootings are horrific, but this one in particular was something else. 20 young children died while attending a class as they would do everyday. And for what? For a deranged soul to release his anger with the world? I willContinue reading “Swimming pools and scars”