2018: 12 months of Gratitude

  Dear Avery, I’ve read/listened to MANY self-care books/articles/blogs/podcasts around this idea of writing down the things you are grateful for. So last year at this time, I put a daily alarm on my phone. 4pm every day = 3 things you are grateful for. Did I do it every day? Nope. But I was ableContinue reading “2018: 12 months of Gratitude”

Self-care: what it means to me

Dear Avery, In this past year, I’ve focused A LOT on myself. Learning and growing. Reflecting and accepting. Pushing boundaries and taking risks. A big part of focusing on me is self-care. To me, “Self-care” is when you take the time out for yourself to do things that ease and please your soul. The best partContinue reading “Self-care: what it means to me”

The Bee

Dear Avery, I had a “me” day, today. Woke up and read a new book in bed. After that, I stumbled into a new coffee shop. A group of older gentlemen in their 90’s sat around in a circle, laughing out loud and SINGING with each other, and more laughter ensued. This was definitely theContinue reading “The Bee”

7 & 1 = the right kind of crazy

Dear Avery & Bayley, Happy birthday week to both of you. Avery, somehow you are turning 7 — and Bay Bay, you’ve reached 1 full year of life. Insane how the time goes by so fast, but it’s been so fun to watch and be apart of. I’m sad that I won’t be attendance ofContinue reading “7 & 1 = the right kind of crazy”

My motto for 2018: All is Well.

Dear Avery, The very last day of 2017, I was hit with a major panic attack. It was as-if the weight of the year for me had waited to show its full strength in the form of taking over my body. It started with a shortness of breath, tightening of my chest, losing feeling inContinue reading “My motto for 2018: All is Well.”