Self-care: what it means to me

Dear Avery,

In this past year, I’ve focused A LOT on myself. Learning and growing. Reflecting and accepting. Pushing boundaries and taking risks. A big part of focusing on me is self-care. To me, “Self-care” is when you take the time out for yourself to do things that ease and please your soul. The best part about self-care is that it can look different for everyone. I’ll tell you what it looks like for me.

Being in nature

Whether it was taking in all the amazing sites in Big Sur, or enjoying a sunset on the beach…nature always helps me reset. (This can happen with or without other people). The redwood trees in Big Sur helped me feel young compared to their old age. The ocean makes me feel small given it’s vastness. The canals in Amsterdam romanced me, and consumed me with awe.


I’ve always enjoyed a nice massage and facial, but I rarely rewarded myself with them on a regular basis. I do now. I go once a month and do either one. I’m thanking my body for its service, and giving myself one hour of total bliss. It’s divine.


I go every two weeks, and look forward to it each time.  Giving myself an hour to talk candidly, honestly, openly and accepting the help of a professional has been extremely helpful. When I first started going, I would cry every time. It was a healthy release. While I’ve worked through things, I find myself not crying much anymore (not that I’m done with my grief or troubles), I’m just in a more peaceful place now. And even so, I still find it very helpful to keep working on me.


I’m not very good at this. I was so used to making myself busy all the time, that resting didn’t occur often. But I’m starting to learn it’s importance of slowing life down, and giving space for quiet. To me, this looks like laying in bed during a weekend afternoon and binge watching TV. Or reading a book outside. Going to the beach alone, and laying in the sun. As funny as this sounds, I do have to WORK at this.

Meditation and yoga 

Meditation is the easiest thing to do, yet the hardest thing to find time for. It’s a conundrum. You literally sit there, and watch your thoughts float by. I’ve learned that meditation isn’t so much about quieting your mind, but acknowledging your thoughts as they come and understanding that your thoughts do NOT make you who you are has been very freeing.

Yoga is something I try and set aside time for on Wednesday nights. The yogi I go to is a very spiritual person, and I really enjoy her positive vibes. Plus she says “All is well” EVERY class. So of course I love it. Yoga is a great mixture of stretching the mind, body, and spirit.

Parks and Rec

During this hard transition period, I wanted to start a TV series from start to finish.

1. I needed a distraction and something to look forward to.

2. I wanted to connect to new characters.

3. I needed to laugh more.

So I chose Parks and Rec. Best decision ever. A cast of authentic characters who accepted and loved each other no matter their differences. And my god, is this show hysterical! Admittedly, I cried when it was over. And I thanked it for its service to me. (Yes, I thank inanimate things).

I highly recommend something like The Office, Friends, Big Bang Theory, or Parks and Rec to put you in the best mood.


I’m a self proclaimed podcast junkie. I listen to a variety of podcasts to: educate me, inspire me, make me laugh, make me cry, and make me think deeper about the world. It has enhanced my view on life, and given me so many more speaking points to share with others! Ugh, I love them so much.

So that’s my recipe for self-care. Being kind to yourself. Rewarding yourself with things that enrich and enhance your time on earth so that you can go spread love to everyone else around you. “Taking care of you first” doesn’t come natural to many people (like me!), but it’s so very essential.


With love,

Aunt Megs

Published by withloveauntmegs

Being an Aunt is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

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