Run, Aunt Megs, Run!

Dear Avery,

(First off, when I wrote that title I said it in the same voice as the kid from the movie “Forrest Gump”, you know the whole ‘Run, Forrest, Run!’ scene. It’s a classic, you’ll need to see that movie someday). This past weekend your Aunt ran in a 5K race! One thing you’ll learn about me is that I love sports, I love working out, and I love being active. BUT! I’m a TERRIBLE runner. I have the worst endurance known to man. I ran it anyway. And man, did it feel GOOD to pass that finish line. It’s a feeling I can’t describe, but I sure felt. I hope you get many chances like that in your lifetime.

Here are a few cool things I took away from that day:

1. Bright pink shoes do not give you the superpower to run faster. I thought they would have. :/

2. Keeping in shape is hard. But so necessary. Find something…anything…that requires you to move! And do it often.

3. Watching a man in his 70’s push his wife in a wheelchair while running was the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I hope you find a man one day who would do that for you–help you get past the finish line when you can’t do it yourself.

4. If you want to be a runner one day…ask your Uncle Ryan about running marathons…I can’t help ya there!

Speaking of your Uncle Ryan… I want to share with you the lovely text message conversation I had with him:

Me: My first 5K! You inspired me! (insert photo of proof)


Ryan: That’s amazing! Rock it Megs!! Proud of you.

Me: Thanks, it felt good to finish!

Ryan: Yeah it does! Next stop Marathon!! How many miles is a 5K anyways?

Me: Errr. 3.2 miles.

Ryan: You have some work to do kid 🙂

^^^ Thanks for the encouragement, bro! 🙂

With that, I hope you find something that moves you — mentally and physically. Try everything. Play everything. If you want to be a runner…I’ll be your cheerleader (I used to be one — but that is for another post). If you want to play tennis, soccer, softball or even football– I’ll support ya. But whatever you do…get movin’!!

Until next time, kid.

With love,

Aunt Megs*

Published by withloveauntmegs

Being an Aunt is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

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