Waiting for my daughter

Dear Harper Breese, I’ve been in “active labor” for over 5 days now with you, but you seem to be too cozy in my belly at the moment. I’ve felt your strong kicks and movements for months now, and I can’t help but believe this just means you will be a strong-willed and powerful forceContinue reading “Waiting for my daughter”

Emergency Room Visits, Quarantine, and Belly Laughs with the Happiest Baby: My First Year of Motherhood

Dear Avery, I did it. I just experienced a full year of motherhood – during a pandemic that included 15 months of quarantine – and my son is healthy, happy, and a very relaxed soul. Having a child does change almost every aspect of your life. Suddenly the dinner dates in Laguna Beach or happyContinue reading “Emergency Room Visits, Quarantine, and Belly Laughs with the Happiest Baby: My First Year of Motherhood”

Earth Day: my favorite reusable household items

Dear Avery, Today is Earth Day! We live on such a remarkable planet and we should do every little thing we can to keep it as such. This year, I’ve really made a concerted effort to start using reusable products around the house and everyday products so we can cut back on the amount ofContinue reading “Earth Day: my favorite reusable household items”

Those 3 little words: “I hear you”

Dear Avery, If Oprah was a leader of a cult, I would join in an instant. Almost every time I listen to her, I get an “ah ha” moment. She always brings a sense of clarity – whether it’s her own quote or a topic she is interviewing someone on. And it happened again today.Continue reading “Those 3 little words: “I hear you””

It’s time to quiet the ego

Dear Avery, 2020 was a very noisy year. Opinions were escalated and feelings were hurt. Families and friendships reached tipping points across the world — and the notion of “I’m right and you’re wrong” spread like wild fire. All because we let our EGO get the better of us (myself included). It’s time to quietContinue reading “It’s time to quiet the ego”